Protocol recommendations and comments presented on SFWMC are solely those of the staff and experts quoted. They do not represent the opinions of the respective clubs to which each member belongs to or whether to specifically follow, how to follow, or why to follow traditional motorcycle club protocol. SFWMC is a general guideline to traditional protocol that can be used in contemporary motorcycle settings and environments.
Riders should be cautious about any and all protocol recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on protocol procedures. Various factors, including respective club membership, may influence or factor into a staff persons protocol analysis or opinion.
All riders are advised to conduct their own independent research into regional Dominant protocols before making a protocol decision.
Mission: SFWMC’s mission is to educate women on the rich historic culture of motorcycling and motorcycle clubs, which includes but is not limited to, protocol and tradition. Our goal is to provide women a safe and constructive platform for their questions to be asked and voices to be heard. Growth through knowledge…let’s grow together.